Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Age

 I don't know how we people are growing very fast !!

We are becoming old right . Like we are getting to know our responsibilities . 

We are facing the real society now !!

How fast this generation is ?

Like we are still in our childhood. We are not teens anymore ...

I think our parents generation is too good . They know how to handle people but we are still introverts to say no for few things 

We people are feeling about ourselves like are we troubling others, we will be hurting ourselves and make  others happy  

How cheap are we ? 

Do  we know about ourselves perfectly  ...

This Age is like something else where we will be learning about more things and we can't be like a child anymore.

Do you ever felt Alone!!

Is that a crime ?


This Age will also able to make you to be alone  like to handle everything by yourself.  

It's okay to be alone . You will be strong 

This Age increases factor will let you know

 How strong you are ...

How  weak you are ...

How patient you are ...

How obedient you are ...

And many factors 

It's okay if you hurt someone ...

It's okay if you doesn't give time to someone 

It's  okay for everything you did either it is good or bad

You can't make everyone happy  right so 

Make yourself happy 

Be happy  😊 

Make memories ✨️  

And know about yourself more !!!

Mini thoughts on yourself

 These are the questions I feel to ask myself  everytime..... What are you  upto ...? What do you need ....? What does happiness really  mea...