Wednesday, March 30, 2022

What do you knew about yourselves?

Hey hey!!
Are you worrying about someone 
Ok fine atleast  about yourself 
Can you answer to yourself These questions
1. What is that one thing that makes you happy ?
2. What is the one negative thing you can describe about yourself 
3. What do you see in others 

I hope you answered to every question  I just want to say few things 
Showing something fake is really fake thing 
Be yourself 
Be patient 
Hide your pain show your smile 
Don't worry about someone 
You are strong enough to handle yourself 
You are bold 
It's okay to be like you 
Always keep smiling 😃 
It's okay to be worried on somethings but that doesn't give any solution 
Hide your anger 
Hide your fear 
Hide your pain 
Hide your emotions 
Just keep smiling 😃 


Mini thoughts on yourself

 These are the questions I feel to ask myself  everytime..... What are you  upto ...? What do you need ....? What does happiness really  mea...